Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Explanation of the images below

1. Classical Conditioning Message 1- This image uses classical conditioning by pairing the behavior we want people to do with an attractive person.  Theoretically, seeing that an attractive person - specifically female - breaks cigarettes persuades people to break cigarettes instead of smoking them.

Classical Conditioning Message 2 -This image pairs forests and hiking with enjoyment, and shows it as an alternate behavior instead of smoking. Through this classical conditioning method, viewers will find hiking to be more attractive to them than smoking. This way, people will engage in the behavior we want (not smoking) when they become interested in the behavior shown (hiking).

3.  INTENSITY-Using the intensity and power of an image helps make  a more powerful impact on the viewer, hopefully a strong enough impact to make them want to quit smoking.The man in the picture looks in really bad shape.  Hopefully this will discourage viewers to quit smoking.

4.  Repetition -The image’s repetitious nature instills an image in the viewers head. Studies show that when people are more familiar with a sign, they are more likely to obey it.  When someone sees the classic “no smoking” signs, it is supposed to warn people that smoking is not allowed in this designated area, and hopefully stop them from smoking in general.

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